Are dome homes the answer to climate change?

R. Buckminster Fuller and Lloyd Khan popularized geodesic buildings  in the late 1960s. They are round, which makes them stand out, and they are energy efficient. Counter-cultural types of the 1970s loved them as DIY residences and many commercial buildings were constructed as geodesic domes - the Epcot Center at Disney World and the Dome of Expo 67 in Montreal may be the best known.They are made of triangles and have less surface area than a rectangular building. They are easier to insulate, snow falls off them, and they withstand earthquakes. Their time may have come again!Architects and design schools (along with homeowners) are thinking about ways to build homes that will withstand the dangers of climate change: wildfires, snow, mud, flooding, draught.Read a recent NYTimes article with images of several dome homes here: Alternative Homebuilding 


Are New England's dams ready for the 21st century?


Foreign summer workers can't find anywhere to live on the Cape either